(505) 870-6029

Phoenix Hood Cleaning Service
An inevitable consequence of cooking food in a commercial kitchen is the discharge of fumes, water, and oil vapors through kitchen hoods and exhaust ducts. These substances accumulate on the hood walls and in containment traps and filters. They pose a health and fire risk, so regular cleaning is essential.
The NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations provides critical guidance on the best practices for the inspection and cleaning frequencies of hoods, fans, and ducts. These supplement local Phoenix food codes to determine the minimum cleaning standards applicable to your facility.

How Often Should a Kitchen Hood System Be Inspected?
Kitchen hood inspections should be part of your daily and weekly cleaning schedules. Additionally, your cooking staff must periodically conduct more detailed inspections of the hood, containment, and exhaust system. The NFPA 96 recommends the following frequencies.
- Hoods: Weekly inspection
- Filters: Inspect every month
- Ducts and fans: Inspect at least once a quarter
If necessary, you should install access vents and hatches to inspect these items properly. Depending on your ventilation configuration and access points, it may be necessary to request a professional inspection.
How Often Should a Hood Be Cleaned?
The hood is one of the most visible parts of your kitchen equipment and should be consistently cleaned. During your weekly cleaning procedure, address the easily accessible parts of the hood, including the interior, exterior, and trim.
How Often Should You Arrange Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning?
Inspect the extraction system on a frequency related to your cooking volume and fuels. NFPA inspection recommendations include:
- Monthly: Cooking with solid fuel, wood or charcoal
- Quarterly: High-volume and 24-hour restaurants
- Every 6 months: Medium-volume kitchens, including most restaurants, community care kitchens, and schools
- Annually: Low-volume kitchens, including seasonal and day camp kitchens
You must thoroughly clean the entire kitchen exhaust duct system at least once a year. This includes the horizontal and vertical ductwork, exhaust fans, blades, and the roof area around the exhaust.
Inspect your filters monthly, and depending on their condition, clean them annually or more frequently if they're badly contaminated. Cleaning filters is laborious, so exchanging the filters and leaving the cleaning to the professionals may be best.
Benefits of Professional Exhaust and Hood Cleaning
Knowing your clean cooking hoods and exhaust systems reduces the fire risk and provides peace of mind. You avoid the risk of a citation from a health inspector and a license suspension for breaches of local or Arizona ordinances. Using a certified contractor makes your insurance companies happy and avoids high premiums.
Why Choose Southwest Advanced for Hood Exhaust Cleaning Services
Southwest Advanced Cleaning Services is a certified cleaning company. We offer full kitchen exhaust system cleaning, filter exchange, kitchen equipment cleaning, and grease containment solutions. Other services include commercial pressure washing and the installation of exhaust fan hinge kits for proper fan cleaning. We only use biodegradable cleaning materials, and our comprehensive cleaning methods ensure your kitchen complies with NFPA 96 ventilation control and fire protection standards. We strive for excellence and provide commercial kitchen cleaning services to various organizations, including restaurants, hotels, schools, airports, and government facilities.
For more information about the services we offer, please fill out our contact form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.